5 Easy Goals to Accomplish Before the End of 2020

5 Easy Goals to Accomplish Before the End of 2020

5 Easy Goals to Accomplish Before the End of 2020

You're almost to the finish line...


Let's face it, 2020 took us all by surprise. Although it was unexpected, these last 11 months of 2020 have been filled with things you didn't see coming, and cheers to you, because you've made it through each one of them. Setting new year's resolutions can be super daunting, and I think its safe to say we all get a pass if we didn't get to do everything we wanted to this year. But, there's still time! Here are 5 easy goals to finish strong before the end of 2020.



Start a Journal

Feeling stressed, stuck, happy, sad? We all feel these real emotions. Try expressing these thoughts on your notebook or paper. A journal documents your growth and allows you to release these emotions by acknowledging your feelings at the time. You can start by writing what you're grateful for, or simply answering "What's the best thing that happened today?” every day and make it a habit.



Reconnect With an Old Friend

Have some friends you went to elementary, high school, college with? After college, the usual plot is friends lose touch because they move away, start their careers, and families. If you have a close friend that you've drifted apart from, or haven't seen in a while. Try to reach out online, email, text, phone, and reconnect with that person. You'll be so glad you did, and you'll put a smile on their face too.



Create a Morning Routine

Some of us aren't morning people, and that's okay. Every morning, carve out some time for yourself. Creating a morning routine can make all the difference for our lives. We have 24 hours a day, and time is always running. Lost time is never found again. Making a morning routine and sticking to it will help you wake up and enjoy the morning checking off things you had on your list will only help you to do more things you love.



Read More

The best books teach us about our life, past & current events, other people, and even ourselves. Always wanted to pick up that book that's been in your radar for some time now? All you have to do is read a few pages in the morning and night time, let's say 20 pages a day, you'll be finishing your books in no time! As a company, we’ve also committed to looking inward on how we can better ourselves and our company. We started a book club aimed at having a better understanding of social injustices, women's voting rights, body positivity, and looking at the issues and addressing them as a group, while weighing in with our collective life experiences.



Move More

We've all been cooped up for some time now, we get so busy at home or out and about, and sometimes it can be hard to get up and stretch. Starting today, set a reminder to get up and walk around the house, workplace, even neighborhood. Getting in some steps can help reduce stress, increase your cardiovascular fitness, and boost your mood, and making it a habit will give you a healthier lifestyle. Even if it's to get a Christmas cookie. Every step counts.

What's your New Year's resolution?
Let us know below!

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